Showing posts with label death metal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death metal. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Meridion - Rise From The South

Artist: Meridion
Album: Rise From The South
Label: Self-Released
Year: 2018
Country: Chile
Genre: Death Metal

Meridion are a death metal band from Santiago, Chile. This is their debut effort. The band create otherworldy angular and swirling death metal that incorporates electronics in a way that is hypnotic and almost trance-inducing and unlike any other band I've heard. The band pays tribute to the Selk'nam tribes of Southern Chile, with the album cover depicting a man in traditional ceremonial body pain and mask that are centers of the Kloketen rite of passage that Selk'nam men underwent. 

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Tunjum - Deidades Del Inframundo

Artist: Tunjum
Album: Deidades Del Inframundo
Label: Dunkelheit Produktionen
Year: 2018
Country: Peru
Genre: Death Metal

Tunjum are a death metal band from Lima, Peru. The band's debut album is an impressive slab of putrid death fucking metal. The riffing is morose and monolithic, taking notes from the barbarism and brutality of old school death metal acts like Autopsy and Massacre. Each track is a bludgeoning of pounding ferocity and some top notch caveman blasting. Thematically, the band takes inspiration from mythology of the ancient Moche culture, which reign over east Peru from 100 CE - 800 CE. The band name is a combination of the verb for killing and dying int he Moche language.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Resistant Culture - Welcome To Reality

Artist: Resistant Culture
Album: Welcome To Reality
Label: Seventh Generation Records
Year: 2006
Country: USA
Genre: Grindcore

Resistant Culture are a grindcore band. Originally from LA but now situated in Seattle, the band formed in 2003, raising from the ashes of Resistant Militia. The band's founding members are indigenous descended, and they incorporate native flutes, drums, and chants into their ripping grindcrust, and preach a message of Native American rights, environmentalism, anarchism, and anti-colonialism. This debut album is a bombardment of grinding crust metal, fitting 16 furious tracks in a mere 31 minutes. Metalheads and punks alike will finding something to love about this record.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Mi'gauss - Open Season

Band: Mi'gauss
Album: Open Season
Label: Moria Records
Year: 2003
Country: USA
Genre: Death Metal

Mi'gauss are a death metal band from Greensburg, Pennsylvania. They take their name from a form of ancient warfare practiced by the Middle-Algonquin warriors and their songs are about their traditional Shawnee traditions and storytelling. Musically, this is war ready death metal with a large variety of riffs and light hints of doom and black metal thrown in the mix.


Hails Decolonize Heavy Metal is a blog I decided to set up to archive true heavy metal created by bands with members from or descended ...